Get To Know The Prior Real Estate Group
Led by Michael Prior, The Prior Group operates like a close-knit family team bonded by our love of real estate and passion for helping people in our community achieve their goals.
Get to know your team of
Toronto real estate experts
We pride ourselves on maintaining a positive work environment so strong that it translates to our client relationships.
Our Mission
Michael started out in real estate to establish a career that still allowed him the freedom to live life to its fullest while helping people realize their own dreams—the best of both worlds. Since creating The Prior Group, Michael encourages every team member to do the same.
Our mission in real estate is not only to help our clients find their dream house, but to live the life of their dreams by unlocking their home’s true value potential. Building real estate wealth is one of the smartest and safest investment options available to secure the future you want for yourself. We want to ensure your road to financial freedom and security is as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Building A Community
It’s easy to cut corners and make quick sales, but we’re about taking our time and building meaningful, long term relationships with every client we represent. We’re committed to finding innovative solutions by understanding our clients, their needs, and life goals.
We advise our buyers and sellers based on relevant data, extensive experience, and unparalleled industry knowledge. We’ll never tell you to buy a home or sell your property if we wouldn’t do it ourselves. We’re dedicated to developing win-win solutions that prioritize your immediate needs and your long term goals.
Get it from the source
Hear what our buyers and sellers have to say about winning in this market with The Prior Group.